Breathing Space

Who we are

Phone us when you’re feeling low

We are a free, confidential, phone service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.

We are here in times of difficulty to provide a safe and supportive space by listening, offering advice and providing information.

It is our belief and hope that by empowering people, they will have the resources to recover.

How to Help Teenage Girls Reframe Anxiety and Strengthen Resilience

In the last decade, rates of anxiety-related disorders in teenagers have steadily risen, particularly in girls. Researchers and psychologists posit several hypotheses about why these rates are on the rise — from digital hyperconnectivity to heightened external pressures to simply a greater awareness, and therefore diagnosis, of mental health concerns.

Whatever the causes, Dr. Lisa Damour has hopeful news for parents and teens: first, some degree of stress and anxiety is not only normal but essential for human growth. And if those levels become untenable, there are tested strategies for reining anxiety back in


Child Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) & ISSU 18 Young People’s Substance Service) are trying to limit the spread of COVID-19 by not seeing people in clinic’s.

We are open and are continuing to do our best to ensure that all children and young people get the care they need, by offering Virtual Appointments via: NHS Near Me and or Telephone Appointments.

If after speaking to you by NHS Near Me or on the telephone, we agree that you need to be seen face to face, we would then arrange this.

If a Parent/Carer or Professional’s have an Enquiry about a child/young person, please call CAMHS -Monday to Friday -10am-4pm on 01387 244662 to speak to a Clinician.

A Parent/Carer or a Young Person can make a Self Referral to CAMHS or ISSU 18, either by calling 01387 244662 or by sending an email to: to get a Self Referral Form.

Within the NHS Dumfries & Galloway website, their is a section dedicated to Mental Health & Winter Wellbeing – you can access Self Care Information booklets aimed at young people and parent/carers, see the link below:

For other National Helplines and websites:

Free Young Minds Crisis Messenger 24/7 support across the UK – text YM or SHOUT to 85258

Young Minds Parents Helpline – Monday-Friday 9.30am-4pm on 0808 802 5544

Childline – 0800 1111 –

Beat – Eating Disorder – Youth Line – 0808 801 0711- (Open 365 days, 4pm-10pm) –

NHS 21 – Call – 111 – See less

West Lothian Recovery Hub

Smart recovery meetings every Tuesday and Friday. Pick up the zoom link from the page to take part.